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Editor's Message

Marc Jason Gilbert

Migration, a fundamental theme of world history, is the focus of the October 2014 issue of World History Connected. Its Forum section is guest-edited by Patrick Manning, Director of the World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2000, Manning developed a Migration in Modern World History, 1500–2000 CD-ROM, providing the field with a much-needed tool for scholarship and teaching about this central issue in all historical studies. Manning's work helped pave the way for the further advancement of world history within the discipline of history, a rise perhaps acknowledged by his recent elevation to the office of Vice-President and President-Elect of the American Historical Association. The Forum articles Manning introduces leave little doubt of the value of world historical analysis for scholars and teachers alike. This is also true of the supporting digital resource-article prepared by John Maunu, which will be of great use to researchers, teachers and students at all levels of instruction. This issue also features two essays that address subjects vital to the field: the importance of "story or human–focused narratives, and the use of concept formation lessons to teach both broad "connections" and also local case studies in world history.

     Readers are invited to submit research-based articles on scholarly or pedagogical subjects and are especially urged to consider contributing to Forums, which in the near future will be devoted to the military, the global wars of the twentieth century, religious conversion, port cites, empires, and food in world history. Book reviews are welcome as are reviews of the literature on world history topics.

Marc Jason Gilbert, Editor

Hawaii Pacific University

Marc Jason Gilbert is Professor of History and National Endowment for the Humanities Endowed Chair in World History at Hawai'i Pacific University. He can be reached at

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